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Ianthe Mauro: From Actress to Eco-Luxury Candle Designer and Empowerment Coach

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Ianthe Mauro’s remarkable journey from a promising actress to a successful eco-luxury candle designer and empowerment coach is a testament to her entrepreneurial spirit, resilience, and unwavering commitment to her values. In this article, we will delve into Ianthe’s inspiring story, exploring how she transitioned from the world of performance arts to the creation of safe and beautiful scented candles and her dedication to empowering others along the way.

Ianthe Mauro’s entrepreneurial journey can be traced back to her childhood. As a creative and imaginative child, she had a natural inclination to turn her bedroom into a makeshift store and invite people in to buy her creations. Growing up in an artistic family, where her mother was a choreographer and her father a composer, Ianthe was exposed to the world of storytelling and creativity from an early age. This upbringing instilled in her the belief that everything in life is a story, and it greatly influenced her perspective on entrepreneurship.

Ianthe’s early career included diverse roles such as actress and stylist for a photographer. However, she felt a strong desire to create a tangible product rather than being the product herself. Her journey took an unexpected turn when she got married and had children, only to realize that her relationship with her children’s father was unhealthy. During this challenging period, she was diagnosed with Graves disease, a thyroid condition that caused her health to deteriorate rapidly. Despite her illness, Ianthe was determined to prioritize her health and well-being.

Ianthe Mauro: From Actress to Eco-Luxury Candle Designer and Empowerment Coach

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As Ianthe embarked on a journey to heal herself, she became passionate about setting intentions and pondering her life’s purpose. Candles played a significant role in this process, as they provided a sense of comfort and inspiration. However, she soon discovered that the candles she was using were toxic and contributed to her autoimmune disease. This revelation prompted her to seek out cleaner and safer alternatives.

“Daily I was lighting candles every day to set an intention pondering upon my calling? What was my purpose, and how would that then sustain my children and create stability for us? I would set this intention for my health for my children’s health and safety for my well being and healing and what would be next for me and as I did this, I found out the candles that I was lighting were toxic, and they were probably contributing to my autoimmune disease,” she explained. She said, “I didn’t want them around my children or my dog. And I started to get really frustrated because I also couldn’t imagine a life without lighting candles that smell good and beautiful in my home. I always loved that.”

In 2009, Ianthe launched “Objects with Purpose,” her candle brand that would revolutionize the industry. Fueled by her background in performance art, design, and styling, she set out to create eco-luxury candles that not only smelled exquisite but were also free from harmful chemicals. Each candle told a unique story, a reflection of her passion for storytelling and her commitment to providing safe, clean-burning candles.

Ianthe Mauro: From Actress to Eco-Luxury Candle Designer and Empowerment Coach

Image Internally Provided

Ianthe’s candles gained widespread acclaim and recognition. They were featured in the Oscar Swag bag, showcased on The Today Show, and made appearances in over 200 stores across the United States. Her expertise in product design and development also led her to collaborate with ethical brands and entrepreneurs, including Mindy Kaling, Tyler Henry (The Hollywood Medium), and FOX Studios, where she created custom candles.

While her candle business thrived, Ianthe’s heart led her in a different direction. The onset of the COVID-19 pandemic in March 2020 presented her with a unique challenge as stores closed, endangering her business. During this time, she decided to pivot and offer her knowledge and expertise to others. She began coaching hundreds of women, teaching them the art of candle making and entrepreneurship, all for free.

Ianthe’s coaching journey led to the creation of the Circle of Support Group, a community of individuals and small business owners aligned with their life’s purpose. This supportive community fosters personal and professional growth, with Ianthe as a guiding force. Her vision extends to the creation of a nonprofit organization dedicated to supporting single mothers in their pursuit of entrepreneurial dreams.

Ianthe Mauro’s entrepreneurial journey is a story of transformation, resilience, and empowerment. From her early years as an actress to her successful candle brand, she has consistently followed her heart and aligned her business with her core values. Today, as an empowerment coach, she continues to inspire and uplift others, leaving a lasting impact on the lives of those she mentors. Ianthe’s story reminds us that entrepreneurship can be a powerful vehicle for personal growth and positive change, and that giving back to the community is a noble pursuit that enriches both the giver and the receiver.



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