September 19, 2024
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David Murrietta Charting a Successful Course through Entertainment and Influencing

Having dreams and acknowledging the opportunities that came along to make those dreams come to pass are two different things. David Murrietta Jr. has experienced both and is taking no prisoners at putting the two scenarios to good use. As an actor, influencer, fitness enthusiast, and entertainer, David Murrietta Jr. has proven himself on all fronts and has grown significantly in his chosen fields, thanks to sheer determination, hard work, and resilience.

With a rising profile as an actor and social media influencer, David, who runs a vlog with his wife, Alexandra Creteau, is focused on continuing his run and rising to the top. He already has an impressive portfolio of TV shows and short film credits like Grey’s Anatomy, Internal Conflict, Vicious Circle, Taps, Sunset Glory: Doolittle’s Heroes, Angelica: Ascension, and Underdog. His acting journey is purely accidental as David only wanted to be in the entertainment industry one way or the other.

His acting is characterized by playing cop and army-men roles, and over the years, he has done well for himself playing those roles. Despite not having any prior acting experience or training, David vowed to excel in the cutthroat film industry. “My lack of experience and professional training sparked a hunger within me that always pushed me to create content. I was doing it all, from short stories to comedy sketches and full feature films; I wanted to be a part of everything. My then-fiancée, Alex, now wife, also played a major role in helping me perfect my craft to the level it is today,” David shared. 

Like every career, David Murrietta Jr.’s has had a few ups and downs in the acting world, but the  California-born actor has said he would toe the same path again if he had to choose again. His acting career began in San Francisco before he moved to Los Angeles to take things on full-time, and then other things like social media influencing and vlogging came along. It has been a full ride for David; he has been called a model, fashion influencer, content creator, vlogger, and a host of other things. His YouTube channel, which he runs alongside his wife, Alexandra Creteau, called Dalex Vlogs, has gained prominence for its content on travel, dating, health, and lifestyle. At more than 700 thousand total views, the couple sees the vlogging world as their oyster.

Hot on his list of plans is to get more work done in the film industry while settling down to enjoy life with his wife, whom he got married to on May 8, 2021, at Regan Beach in Lake Tahoe. Moving forward, he hopes to continue growing his platform and be influential enough to inspire and influence change in the world. He also wants anyone who has given up on their dreams or is doubting their dreams to see him and have renewed hopes that they can make things happen. “Perseverance can make anything happen. Whatever you do, keep at it and never give up,” he said.

Learn more about David Murrietta Jr. by checking out Dalex Vlogs Channel on YouTube and his official Instagram page.

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