September 18, 2024
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How a World-Traveling Renegade Is Revolutionizing Branding

How a World-Traveling Renegade Is Revolutionizing Branding
Photo Courtesy: Jared Mast / @traveleditorofficial

By: Elena Mart

Jared Mast isn’t your typical branding expert. As the founder of The Renegade Agency, he’s spent years defying convention, traveling and living in over 39 countries, and building a global business that operates 24/7. Splitting his time between Brazil and the United States, Jared leads a team that stretches across continents, working around the clock to help experts build powerful, authentic brands. His secret? A renegade philosophy that values boldness, creativity, and global perspective.

“I didn’t want to just start another agency—I wanted to change how experts think about branding,” Mast says. His mission is clear: to show that even the smallest brands can make the biggest impact, provided they are fueled by authenticity and boldness.

A Renegade Philosophy: Why Different Matters

Jared’s vision for The Renegade Agency came from years of traveling the globe, learning how different cultures and perspectives shape success. What he realized was that conventional branding strategies no longer work in a world where people are bombarded with information from all directions. Instead, Jared’s philosophy revolves around being a renegade—breaking away from cookie-cutter approaches and embracing what makes you unique.

“The world doesn’t need more noise; it needs voices that stand out,” Mast believes. He teaches his clients that success doesn’t come from trying to please everyone—it comes from being unapologetically different. Whether you’re a coach, an author, or a speaker, Jared’s approach is designed to take what makes you unique and turn it into a powerful brand that commands attention.

Small but Mighty: The Power of Personal Branding

One of the pillars of Jared’s renegade philosophy is the idea that a small brand can have an outsized impact if built strategically. You don’t need a huge following to create influence—what you need is authenticity, clarity, and the courage to embrace your own story. That’s where The Renegade Agency shines, transforming individual experts into recognizable authorities in their fields.

“A powerful brand doesn’t require millions of followers,” Jared explains. “It just needs to speak to the right people in a way that resonates.” Through tailored strategies and a clear understanding of the market, Jared helps his clients carve out their space in even the most competitive industries.

A Global Operation Designed for Results

What sets The Renegade Agency apart isn’t just its philosophy but its unique structure. With team members located across the globe, Jared has built an agency that never sleeps. This isn’t just by chance—Jared deliberately designed it this way, leveraging different time zones so that progress is made around the clock. It’s a strategy that ensures clients see faster results and benefit from a diversity of perspectives.

“Having a global team means that work is always moving forward. When the sun sets in one part of the world, it’s rising in another,” Mast explains. “We’re not just working—we’re pushing boundaries 24/7.” This round-the-clock operation allows The Renegade Agency to stay ahead of the curve and offer a level of service few other agencies can match.

Why It Is Time to Stand Out

Jared’s approach is particularly powerful in today’s landscape, where information overload makes it harder than ever to capture attention. “This is the perfect moment to build a brand that stands out,” Jared says. “In a world full of options, people want to follow experts who feel real and relatable, not just flashy.”

He sees 2024 as a pivotal year for experts who are ready to step into the spotlight and embrace their unique value. “If you’re an expert, this is your time to own it,” Jared says. “People want to connect with personalities, not just services. It’s about making that human connection through your brand.”

The Future of Renegade Branding

As Jared Mast continues to split his time between his two homes in Brazil and the U.S., he remains focused on scaling his vision globally. His renegade philosophy isn’t just a branding strategy—it’s a movement designed to empower experts who are ready to break out of the traditional mold and lead with authenticity.

“We’re not just helping clients build businesses—we’re helping them build legacies,” Jared concludes. “If you have the courage to be different, then you have the power to transform the world.”

For experts looking to break through the noise and create something truly unique, Jared Mast and The Renegade Agency are lighting the way, one bold move at a time.

Published by: Martin De Juan

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