October 18, 2024
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Professional Photographer Mario Amean Takes NYC by Storm

A lot of aspiring photographers go into photography without a clear vision of what they truly want to achieve long-term. Some do it as a hobby, to destress, to learn a new skill, or simply to explore new possibilities. But for professional New York photographer Mario Amean, it is more like having been born to do it. He is one of NYC’s well-loved and sought-after professional photographers known for the quality of his work and his keen eye for detail.

Mario comes from a family of photographers, from his father to his three siblings. He was only ten years old when he started going into photography and helped out in his father’s business. His father owned several studios in Egypt, and there is no doubt his influence on his children was deeply rooted. 

“I am a well-known photographer in NYC because of the professional photos that I take. To be a photographer, you need the good experience and the skills that are necessary to take good photos, and I have all the experience to provide my clients with highly professional photography work. Me and my younger brothers, Edwar Amean and Mody Amean, have created our own photography app, which is called KLIK Photography,” Mario explained. 

Mario has a lot going for him as a professional photographer. For one, his wealth of experience is quite impressive. At present, he has 2.4 million followers on Instagram, a testament to how popular and well-loved he is by the public. Despite his experience and the training he got from his father, Mario invested in photography classes when he got to NYC to improve his skills. At present, he is popularly known for his Time Square photos of various individuals. 

“I would describe my work as very professional work. I have a great experience with photography. I know how to provide my customers with a great and fun experience. Also, I make sure that I always do my best to provide my clients with the best quality of work,” he added. 

While photography has been very fulfilling for Mario, he has another dream he is currently working on: to be a doctor someday. “I teach photography classes for people that want to learn about photography and make them become professional photographers. Fun fact about me is that people call me doctor Mario because I make them look good after I edit their photos in Photoshop, besides the fact that I want to become a doctor,” he added. Finding the right balance between his two greatest passions in life may be challenging, but it is enough for him to see the love and support of his clients. They all praise him for the results of his hard work, and Mario finds great joy in being able to exceed their expectations. 

The future is bright for someone as talented and hardworking as Mario. It is only a matter of time before he gets recognized on a world stage for the quality of work he does with his images. 



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