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Teeing Off with Purpose: Lessons from a Detroit Golf Mentor

Teeing Off with Purpose: Lessons from a Detroit Golf Mentor

By: Overnight Publicity

A young Horace Mitchell first gripped a golf club in 1974. Little did he know that this moment would set him on a path to become not just a golfer but a mentor and guide to countless others seeking to improve their game and their lives.

Mitchell’s journey in golf is as much about personal growth as it is about mastering the sport. From those early days in Detroit, he absorbed wisdom from some of the country’s finest golfers, including pros from the then-named Chitterlings Tour. These Black golfers, striving to reach the PGA TOUR, left an indelible mark on Mitchell’s approach to the game and life.

Now, at 77, Mitchell has distilled his decades of experience into “The Mental Guide for the Average Golfer.” But don’t let the title fool you – this isn’t just about lowering your handicap. Mitchell’s guide delves deep into the mental aspects of golf, revealing how the principles of attitude, aptitude, and execution apply both on and off the course.

What sets Mitchell’s approach apart is his emphasis on the mental game. While many focus on perfecting their swing or choosing the right club, Mitchell argues that the true essence of golf – and indeed, of any challenge in life – lies in our minds. It’s a perspective that has resonated with many, from weekend warriors to aspiring pros.

Through his work with the Hollywood Golf junior program, Mitchell has helped send seven students to the PGM Program at the University of Maryland Eastern Shore. These students haven’t just improved their golf skills – they’ve graduated with their PGA cards, opening doors to careers in the sport they love.

Mitchell’s philosophy extends beyond the fairway. He often tells his students, “If it’s not winning, it’s not working.” But winning, in Mitchell’s book, isn’t just about trophies or low scores. It’s about continuous improvement, facing challenges head-on, and striving to be the best version of yourself.

This holistic approach to golf and life is grounded in Mitchell’s faith. He believes that the energy for success comes from a higher power, encouraging his students to “let go and let God.” This spiritual dimension adds depth to his teachings, making them applicable to people from all walks of life.

Mitchell’s journey hasn’t been without challenges. One of the biggest hurdles he’s faced is getting the broader golf community to understand the importance of the mental aspect of the game. But Mitchell persevered, proving through his work and the success of his students that mental preparation is just as crucial as physical practice.

For those intrigued by Mitchell’s approach, his book offers insights into three key areas: the mental game, the routine, and the tempo. These elements, when mastered, allow golfers to get out of their own way and achieve their full potential.

Mitchell’s impact extends beyond individual golfers. Through his teachings, he’s contributing to greater diversity in golf, inspiring a new generation of players from all backgrounds to take up the sport and excel in it.

As Mitchell continues to share his wisdom through his book, website, and podcast, he remains driven by a simple goal: to help others understand that only the mental can produce and hold what they’re searching for, whether in golf or in life.

If you’re ready to take your golf game to the next level by mastering the mental aspects, The Mental Guide for the Average Golfer is your essential companion. 

Connect with Horace Mitchell: :

Instagram: @askmrdent


Phone: (313) 706-3740

For more insights on mastering the mental game in golf and life, check out “The Mental Guide for the Average Golfer” by Horace Mitchell.

Published by: Martin De Juan

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