September 19, 2024
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Kash Lanier Plans to Assist More People to Start and Grow Their Very Own Credit Repair Company with Bougie Credit University!

Kash Lanier has established herself in the credit industry by helping thousands learn about credit and by helping them to become comfortable with talking about credit. By dealing with her own credit issues, she was forced to learn about credit as a young adult. Since then, her company has helped so many people become first-time homeowners, start thriving businesses, and also pass down the knowledge to their growing children. She knew that there was even more to be done, so she started the Bougie Credit University to bring other people in who already had or wanted to start their very own credit repair company. She knew that she could be an asset to them because she started her own company from the ground up organically and she has seen the good, bad, and the ugly of this industry. She knows that she can help other people bypass the hardship of this industry if she could help them do so with her blueprint to success. 

Kash explained, “Why not connect with someone who has done the struggling in this industry for you? I mean I wouldn’t dare try to do it on my own knowing there is someone who can coach me to success. “

“The idea is to train as many people as I can so that we can help the entire nation improve their credit reports and scores by educating them properly. I want to show my students that we are the superheroes of credit and we have to abide by the rules, lead by example, and help our people. We have a lot of good people in this industry already, but I know we can add to that with the Bougie Credit University,” she added.

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