October 18, 2024
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Independent Licensed Financial Keeper Carla Garcia Develops My Plan Keeper

Independent Licensed Financial Keeper Carla Garcia is about to make a lasting difference in the lives of multiple retirees and pre-retirees through her company called My Plan Keeper. Her processes and tools are designed to help clients make sound financial decisions so they can still enjoy the fruits of their labor in the prime of their lives. 

Prior to establishing her company, Carla was a licensed Financial Advisor and Relationship Manager for 20 years. She has worked with a wide array of clientele, from government employees to people in business, athletes, and healthcare professionals, among others. In fact, Carla worked for Merrill Lynch and Citi Personal Wealth Management in Miami and Fort Lauderdale.

My Plan Keeper aims to prepare clients for early retirement and give them the ability to decide when they want to do so. Ultimately, the company strives to help its clients be self-insured, getting them ready for the coming retirement phase of their lives.  “My Plan Keeper audience is the people that want to be part of a different approach, which seeks to learn and apply strategies to protect themselves from what some baby boomers were not able to secure. In reality, we are here for them, but the biggest impact My Plan Keeper will have is on Generation X and the Millenials who want to be wise and deal with proper planning,” Carla shared. “What worked in the past is not going to work moving forward. Planning has evolved, and our customers understand that and seek that. Our customers want to make wise decisions and will be the next mixed Gen and will know how to identify foolish decisions.”

The motivation to create My Plan Keeper is something that Carla would refer to as a calling from God. She took a huge risk and stepped out of her comfort zone, knowing that multiple people needed her help, not just for capacity building but also in delivering services during her clients’ time of need. As a single mother of three beautiful children, Carla also draws inspiration from her dreams for her kids. 

My Plan Keeper is also designed to cater to the needs of retirees. The retirement planning community is quite large, and Carla wants to be instrumental in helping them have a decent life. Thanks to My Plan Keeper, users can now access more than 100 companies, which will then make their recommendations unbiased.

“I am passing control to the retirees with guidance and support when needed and at the same time holding their hands. There are so many people who I witnessed married to a financial advisor that helped them accumulate wealth but are not focused on the next phase of their life, failing to protect their plans against market volatility, inflation, long-term care cost, sequence of return risk, taxes and even Medicare. When a person turns 65, there are so many decisions to make, and most people don’t address their concerns with their advisor because they don’t assimilate them with risk protection,” Carla shared.

Throughout her years in her career, Carla has witnessed multiple clients become victims of their own fears and their unwillingness to seek help. As such, she is positive about how My Plan Keeper will change the lives of multiple individuals around the world today. Ultimately, she wants to empower people to walk in wisdom and protect them from becoming victims of malicious attempts perpetrated by someone else. Through My Plan Keeper, Carla is confident that people will become more aware and cautious of their money decisions in life. 


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