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Tech-Driven Education: Dr. Faustino da Rosa’s Vision for Change

Tech-Driven Education- Dr. Faustino da Rosa’s Vision for Change
Photo Courtesy: Waldir Evora

By: Luisa Melandre

Dr. Faustino da Rosa Junior has quietly emerged as a significant figure in educational technology, particularly in Brazil. His story isn’t just about achieving business success but about following a passion to create real, meaningful change in how education is delivered.

Originally trained as a lawyer, Dr. Faustino specialized in Digital Law, Business Tax Law, and Constitutional Law. He quickly established himself as a respected professional in the legal field, navigating complex regulatory environments and advising on intricate legal matters. But despite his success, there was always a sense that something was missing. “I loved the law, but I felt a pull towards something bigger,” he reflects. “I realized that technology could be a game-changer in education, and I wanted to be part of that transformation.”

This realization didn’t come overnight. It resulted from observing how rapidly technology was changing other industries and recognizing that education, particularly in Brazil, was lagging behind. “Education is the foundation of everything,” Dr. Faustino says. “If we can improve how people learn and access information, we can have a profound impact on society as a whole.”

In 2016, driven by this belief, Dr. Faustino founded FGMED. What began as a modest initiative to help Brazilian doctors stay informed about the latest developments in their field quickly grew into the country’s largest platform for continuing medical education (CME). FGMED offers a wide range of courses and resources designed to be accessible to medical professionals across Brazil, regardless of where they are located. “The idea was simple—give doctors across Brazil access to the best educational resources available,” he explains. “It wasn’t just about filling a gap; it was about making sure these professionals had what they needed to keep up with the latest in their fields and provide the best possible care to their patients.”

The success of FGMED is not just measured by its size or the number of courses offered. It’s about the impact it has had on the medical community in Brazil. Doctors who previously struggled to access up-to-date information can now do so with ease, thanks to the platform. 

“We’ve received incredible feedback from doctors who tell us that FGMED has changed the way they approach their practice,” Dr. Faustino shares. “That’s the most rewarding part—knowing that we’re making a difference in people’s lives.”

But Dr. Faustino isn’t content to rest on his laurels. He’s always looking for the next challenge, the next opportunity to make a difference. That’s why he also launched FG Investments, a venture capital firm that focuses on helping startups that aim to create positive social impact. “It’s not just about profit,” he says. “It’s about supporting companies that have a strong mission and the potential to do good. We’re looking for startups that can disrupt traditional industries and bring about real change.”

One of Dr. Faustino’s latest challenges is expanding FGMED into international markets, particularly in the United States. The U.S. market is notoriously competitive, with its own set of regulatory hurdles and consumer expectations. But Dr. Faustino is undeterred. “Entering a new market is never easy,” he admits. “You have to adapt and learn quickly, but the goal remains the same—providing high-quality education to those who need it. The U.S. presents unique challenges, but it also offers incredible opportunities.”

For Dr. Faustino, the work he does is deeply personal. He’s driven by the belief that technology should serve a higher purpose and that it should be used to improve lives and solve real problems. “At the end of the day, it’s about more than just business,” he says. “It’s about making a real difference in people’s lives. That’s what drives me, and that’s what keeps me pushing forward, no matter how difficult the challenge.”

As he continues to lead both FGMED and FG Investments, Dr. Faustino da Rosa Junior is a man on a mission. His work is not only shaping the future of education in Brazil but is also setting the stage for a broader global impact. With his vision and determination, there’s no telling just how far his influence will reach.

Published by: Nelly Chavez

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